Nicole, what is your New Years' resolution?
Just as I was leaving Prive I bumped into TomKat outside. Tom was shoving a watermelon up Katie's not sure what that was about...maybe the baby is craving fruit or something?
Tom, what is your New Years resolution?
Katie, what is your New Years' resolution?
Then I was back on my jet to fly over to NYC to watch celebrity sausagedog Mariah Carey perform. She looked more sausagedoggy than EVER in a spangley dress.
So Mariah any new years resolutions?
um...thanks Mariah, there was no need to sing your answer but whatever.
Finally I hopped a plane to L.A. to ask K-Fed about his New Year just after he had got feedback on his new single "Popozao"
So Kevin, after hearing public opinion on your single what do you want to do in 2006?
Well, ok. You know that would actually make all of our years a bit better.