Apparantly Orlando Bloom had a bit of a diva...or is it divo? tantrum recently..according to
" Orlando Bloom reportedly shocked onlookers when he refused to walk down the red carpet at a star-studded premiere in London. The heartthrob actor - who was at the opening of Cirque du Soleil Alegria at the Royal Albert Hall - is also said to have got angry when photographers tried to snap him with girlfriend Kate Bosworth.
According to a report in Britain's News of the World newspaper, the actor also stayed in a private room at the after-show bash.When he decided to dance, Orlando allegedly demanded everyone else was cleared from the floor.
Here are some pics from the event
Orlando doesn't look too mad to me..and he doesn't seem like the type to have divo tantrums..if it were me I would totally be taking advantage of my fame and treating people like crap. I'd get a huge bunch of flowers and make my entourage count every petal while I pelted them with soil and yelled "BLOOM, BLOOM, I NEED MY FLOWERS TO BLOOM!...I'M ORLANDO BLOOM...ARE YOU TRYING TO RUIN ME?"
...Yeah being Orlando Bloom must be fun.