Please don't ask me why because there is no logical explanation for it...but I am totally obsessed with Kristin Cavallari. I tried so hard to pretend I didn't feel this way but my emotions finally got the better of me.
I started off thinking she was so awful when I first started watching Laguna beach and gradually I started to like her more. Now I am a full blown Kristin fan. But why? WHY?
I know I'm not the only person that feels this way...she has had a pretty amazing rise to fame since Laguna...a movie with Robert DeNiro, her own TV show on UPN and now a guest spot on Veronica Mars as a lesbian cheerleader..yes...a LESBIAN CHEERLEADER. Whoever Kristin's agent is they are amazing, I didn't think I could like her much more...but after hearing the words "Kristin Cavallari" and "lesbian cheerleader" in the same sentence i certainly do.