There's Rula Lenska....who?
Samuel Preston....who?
Ex Baywatcher Tracie Bingham
Pete "I once saw him in Notting Hill and threw up in my mouth a little" Burns
Shamed TV host Michael Barrymore
ESSEX GIRL and BritBoy fave Jodie Marsh
George Galloway...who I kind of recognise but I don't know where from
Faria Alam, the woman who had an affair with Sven Goran-Eriksson
Basketballer and professional wierdo Dennis Rodman
Well, Channel 4 got the cream of the crop this year didn't they? ..what happened to the rumours about Anna Nicole Smith and Macauley Culkin? You know what...I don't long as Jodie Marsh is in the Jodie.
In a rather ingenious twist BB has put one non-celeb, Chantelle, into the house...
...her mission? to convince the other housemates that she is a star. Big Brother gave her a new identity as the lead singer in the fictional band "Kandy Floss"..with a "K"..classy.
Judging by the calibre of the other celebs in there Chantelle will probably be the biggest star anyway...except for Jodie of course..she's A List!