In what has to be the stupidest move in the history of the world Justin Timberlake's assistant Trace Ayala has allegedly rejected Jessica Simpson! Apparently before Nick and Jessica filed for divorce on December 16th, spies saw Jessica and Trace flirting like crazy in an L.A. nightclub.
After the divorce Jessica assumed that things would pick up where they left off, but Trace had other ideas, mainly being a huge idiot. "Jessica was going after Trace pretty hard right after she dumped Nick," an insider told Star magazine "But Trace apparently didn't want to offend Nick by dating his ex so soon after the breakup. The rejection was a huge blow to her ego."
I'm sorry but is Trace Ayala insane? he spends his days running around buying venti non-fat double shot vanilla lattes for the Camberlakes and when given the chance to have a bit of a life of his own he doesn't want it?
To put that in perspective that's kind of like someone telling a guy who cleans clogged toilets that he can be president, and the guy saying that he likes plungers too much.
Not that I'm saying Justin and Cameron's toilet gets clogged a lot, or that Trace Ayala has an unhealthy obsession with plungers.
(I am.)
Also, I don't know when Jessica decided that dressing like a cross between a convict, a french maid and Malibu Barbie was a good idea, maybe thats how she deals with grief? As for Ashlee all I can say is she looks like a dirty old man pervert flasher in this getup. While I know that "dirty old man pervert flasher" is technically grammatically incorrect I just like saying "dirty old man pervert flasher"