Wow! Where did Angelina's stomach suddenly come from? Its like as soon as a pregnancy is announced the baby suddenly gains about 12 pounds...Maybe its this celebrity pregnancy announcement rapid baby obesity epidemic that made THIS happen...
According to Popbytes"While in the Domincan Republic to shoot her latest project, The Good Shepherd, a 5 months pregnant Angelina Jolie collapsed and gashed her head, according to a source. Father-to-be Brad Pitt became extremely nervous. �She�s looking really frail and she�s pale and gaunt. I heard her doctor has put her on a high-risk pregnancy alert and Brad has been trying to persuade her to go on bed rest, but she won�t hear any of it,� a source tells Star."
I'm sorry but when you are about to give birth to the most amazingly beautiful child in the world you have to expect some mishaps, and isn't a gash on the head a small price to pay to be able to cash in on your child's good looks well after your own looks fade?
I would say so.