With all the controversy surrounding Britney Spears I thought it high time that I came out of hiding and breathed some life back into my blog.
To recap: Britney gave a poor performance at the VMAs, has been dropped by her lawyer and manager and is still embrolied in a legal battle over the custody of her two sons with her ex husband, Kevin Federline. Which is all pretty crap.
Today it was revealed that the judge in the court case between Britney and Kevin stated that 'based on the evidence presented, the Court finds that there is a habitual, frequent, and continuous use of controlled substances by Petitioner [Britney Spears].' Britney will now be required to be tested for drugs and alcohol twice weekly at on random dates at random times. For now the judge has left the custody of Sean and Jayden at 50/50 but both Britney and Kevin will be required to adhere to certain rules:
-Britney and Kevin cannot make derogatory statements about eachother or eachothers families in public.
-Noone is permitted to use corporal punishment against the children.
-Britney and Kevin must complete a 'Parenting without conflict' program and attend joint counselling.
-Neither Britney nor Kevin can take the children out of the state without the written permission of the other parent.
-Neither Britney nor Kevin may consume alcohol or drugs 12 hours prior to or during custody of the children.
-In addition Britney must attend individual counselling and parenting classes.
So, it pretty much sucks to be Britney right now. To be honest I am really shocked at all the venom being spouted by the media and former Britney fans. While I CONSTANTLY make fun of celebrities I try to do so with my tongue firmly in cheek and never with the intention of hurting anyone (except maybe Sienna Miller) but a lot of the things I read about Britney are clearly written with the intention of dragging down someone who is clearly already at rock bottom.
I genuinely still hope that old 'Slave 4 u' Brit can make a comeback...hell, I would even settle for 'gas-station-using-without-any-footwear' Britney! But for now it seems like she seriously needs to concentrate on getting her life together for her own sake and the sake of her kids.