Poor Brit Brit, she was charged today with hit and run after an incident in August where she hit a parked car and then drove off without leaving a note even though the whole event was caught on film by paparazzi! She was also charged with driving without a valid California license! Apparently Britney has NEVER been issued a California license...um...whooops...
Each charge can carry a maximum penalty of 6 MONTHS IN PRISON! Meaning a possible total of a year in jail for Britney! It is pretty unlikely however that she will serve jail time.
A hearing is set for October 10th.
Oh Britney, what are you going to do now? Probably go out and party at Hyde and then go shopping at Kitson? Because that really is the solution to all the problems you are facing...getting wrecked and then buying some cute new pumps. Honestly I'm just waiting for things to get worse for her... pretty soon someone is going to come forward and charge Britney with causing the Holocaust and killing baby seals for fun.