Not only has Paris Hilton's lawyer appealed against the decision to jail Paris for 45 days for violating her probation, but now Paris has urged fans to sign an online petition to keep her out of jail on her Myspace
She writes:
'My friend Joshua started this petition, please help and sihn it. i LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!
To sign the FREE PARIS HILTON petition to
Governor Schwarzenegger that I have created...
please go here:
I urge all fans and supporters and all that are outraged by injustice to sign this petition.'
'Outraged by injustice'? Um..which part of a drunk driver who violated their probation and then showed up to court late being reprimanded is unjust?
This drives me crazy, I seriously hope that she doesn't succeed in wriggling out of her jail time. Paris Hilton needs to realise that she is not above the law and can't just do whatever the hell she wants.