YES! There truly is justice in this world! Paris Hilton has been sentenced to 45 days in jail by an L.A. county superior court judge for violating her probation. Her sentence will commence on June 5th at a women's prison in Lynwood, CA. The judge ensured that Paris would not be given a work release, an alternative jail or electronic monitoring instead of jail.
Paris tried to get out of it by blaming her publicist Elliot Mintz, stating that he hadn't told her that her license was suspended! The judge reminded Paris that she had signed documentation stating that her license had been suspended for 4 months and even had the documentation in the car while she was driving!
Paris apparently broke down and sobbed to the court 'I'm very sorry and from now on I'm going to pay complete attention to everything. I'm sorry and I did not do it on purpose at all.' The judge was having none of it!
I'm ashamed to say it but I think a small part of me might be in love with that judge.