Lindsay Lohan has been spotted around town constantly holding a packet of Ariva nicotine tablets at any opportunity. It appears that the Lohan wants us all to believe that she is reformed and attempting to give up all her old addictions...hmmmm....
In fact it has recently come to light that Lindsay may be being paid by Australian Andy Valmorbida to promote the nicotine replacement in paparazzi photographs.
That might be slightly more believable if she hadn't been spotted smoking INSIDE IHop on December 11th. After attending a house party alongside Paris Hilton and Brandon Davis the Lohan decided that some late night pancakes were in order and decided to light up in the restaurant even though it is against California law! It is believed that a waiter approached Lohan and instead of asking her to put out the cigarette asked her to move to a table where the paparazzi couldn't bother her! Um....What?
This comes just days after reports that Lohan was seen drinking from a water bottle filled with Vodka at a Los Angeles nightclub.
Lindsay holding Ariva:
Smoking it up at IHop:
I guess any publicity for IHop is good publicity!