I know that I haven't posted in about 6 years, but who better to jolt me back to life than the Lohan herself? Her life is more dramatic than a Telenovela and I love it!
The Lohan gets out of rehab and just a few days later is arrested for driving under the influence, driving on a suspended license and possesion of narcotics! Basically it appears that Lohan went batshit after an argument with her assistant and ended up in a car chase with her through Santa Monica! Somehow Lohan ended up chasing the mother of her assistant and was pulled over after the woman called 911. Lohan's blood alcohol level was between 0.12 and 0.13 (the legal limit is 0.08) and was found with cocaine in her pocket!
Apparently Lohan attempted to blame another passenger in the car by stating to police that 'the black kid' was driving..yeah way to dig an even bigger hole. She is also reported to have told passengers in the car 'I can't get in trouble. I'm a celebrity. I can do whatever the fuck I want.'
Since the incident everyone has chimed in with their opinion, including her mother Dina Lohan, estranged father Michael Lohan and even Britney Spears, because she is so qualified to pass judgement on others.
It looks like Lindsay will be facing jailtime, and you know that she won't spend her time writing letters to fans with drawings of unicorns and happy flowers like Paris Hilton. The Lohan is badass, she'll pair up with a 500 pound inmate named 'Momma Knuckles' and attack other inmates in the showers if they refuse to trade their Marlboro Reds for protection.