I just can't get my head around Nicole's exploits. She checks herself into rehab to get help for her eating problems..except noone is allowed to say she is on rehab or speculate that she has an eating disorder. Then, after 1 night she checks herself out and goes shopping and partying as usual...and now she appears looking like she is gaining weight.
To me the only explanation is the rumour that has been circlulating in Hollywood for a while now, and was revived today by being posted as a blind item on Page 6...
That Nicole had drastic gastric bypass surgery after gaining weight in rehab..remember gastric bypass is supposed to only be used for those who are clinically obese.
Then, the weight dropped off...and kept dropping off as Nicole wasn't able to eat normal portions..hence her skeletal appearance.
Now the rumour goes that "rehab" was just a guise for her to get the operation reversed!
Well, whatever it was she is definately starting to gain some weight and look a hell of a lot better, but what a stupid thing to do to get a fat person operation when you arent even fat! Do you see me going to get operations to become more dashing or to get a mane of raven hair rivalled only by a wild mustang? No.