my oh my! Britney's divorce just gets more and more interesting! First there have been the reports that Britney's prenup is "iron clad" meaning that she has protected her millions and KFed will get a minimum amount of money...
AND NOW KFed is contesting Britney for custody of their 2 children!!!
Click HERE to see the papers.
I mean, comon, who would yougive the custody to? A woman who clearly loves her kids (even if she does drive with them on her lap) and can easily provide the best kind of life for them, or an irresponsible moneygrabber who left his previous wife and child to marry a new one?
I would go with KFed, no contest...but then I've never been good at judging that I time I testified in court that that man called "Bloodthristy Mike" who stabbed me in the leg was "a really genuine guy"..