Nicole Richie has hit back at claims (including the ones on this website) that she may have recently had a gastric surgery bypass reversed. She stated on her official myspace page:
"So i gain a little bit of weight, and im acussed of having a gastric bypass surgery reversed? Its pathetic of Page Six to insinuate i have done this. Anyone that knows anything about this surgery would know that legally, you must be AT LEAST 100 pounds overweight to even have the surgery done, and is a serious, life changing procedure; not one to throw around as a joke or a rumor. Ive given a statement I am in the process of putting on weight, and that should be enough. Its a shame to hear that instead of hearing supportive words, someone needs to spin it into some negative, absurd way"
Nicole was later spotted at a McDonalds Drive Thru casually eating amongst throngs of paparazzi flashes.
I'm sorry but I'm not buying it, something dodgy is going on...what kind of person needs to see a nutritionist to understand how to gain weight? The way she has spoken about it you would think she was trying to discover how to fly or how to turn a piece of coal into a ferrari...gaining weight is pretty EAT.
Next maybe Nicole will teach us all how to breathe or can only hope...
This was Nicole's reaction to the gastric bypass rumours