has reported that ¨Britney Spears and Kevin Federline have named their newborn son Sutton Pierce Federline. The infant, born Tuesday at a Los Angeles hospital, now has the same initials as his big brother, Sean Preston Federline. The boys also (almost) share a birthday – Sean Preston turned 1 on Thursday, just two days after his brother was born.¨
Oh jesus, I dread to think what the poor next child will be called..probably Snackwells Peanut Federline...
To suppliment this story I had planned on including some pictures of Kevin Federline´s new spread in GQ magazine..but the fact that he even warrants a spread in GQ makes me want to rip out my own I have only included one. Visit for the full set.
The theme for the photos appears to be ¨broken mirrors, smoking underwater and yelling¨ which, to be honest, we should be thankful for..because you know if Kevin had had anything to do with it the theme would have ended up as ¨cheeses of the world¨.