I don't think that it would be a gross overstatement to say that this series of photos taken of Jessica Simpson on her way to the Met Bar in London with Ashlee represent the best and also the most confusing celebrity photos ever taken.
Jessica's facial expressions are both fascinating and perplexing...
What is Jessica thinking about?
Has something angered her?
Upset her?
Confused her?
Or is she just vacant?
After studying these photos for several hours I have finally managed to pin down the emotion that Jessica is experiencing....
But "Chipmonk" isn't an emotion I hear you say...Well, these photos tell the story of a bloated and slightly learning impared chipmonk who has simultaneously been told that her best friend has been murdered and been asked to multiply 567789 by 334790...
and if bloated, retarded, grief stricken chipmonk isn't an emotion then I obviously didn't do very well in emotion class.
P.S. Just for fun here is another look at quite possibly the best celebrity photo ever taken...