Dear Linds, may I call you Linds?´s been a good few gossip months for you, hey isn´t it always? You dumped one guy and picked up another...a few others actually...You had personal and public dramas..not to mention the gazillion bikini pictures that we were bombarded with over the summer.
But this morning something funny happened, I woke up on holiday in Madrid, the sun was shining and I realised something very significant...I´m over you.
I didn´t have the usual craving to wonder what you were eating..or not eating, what surgery you were planning to have or whether we will ever bump into eachother again at Chateau.
Some might say that I just become more of a normal person and less of an obessed celebrity stalker..but we all know that isn´t the case...especially the lifesize cutout of Rachel Bilson that I have hanging from my ceiling..that used to be you Lindsay.
Let me just explain, over the couple of weeks you have lost (and found) a bag allegedly containing $1 million worth of jewels, you have gone out in public twice not wearing underwear, you have had a very public fight with your mother, you have leaked to the press that you are getting married, and to top it all off you have taken 2 trips to the hospital for ¨a broken wrist¨ are overdoing it..and we are all beginning to realise that half these things dont even happen..they just get you on the front pages of the tabloids..but that´s starting to wear thin too..
I mean sure I like stalking you..but i dont follow you in your car, stake out your house and rummage through your trash all on the same day! You have to space it out otherwise it gets annoying.
I think until you find out what you want from this relationship we need to take a break..and just so you know a break doesnt involve going on holiday and tipping off the paparazzi that you ¨might¨ ¨accidentally¨ nearly be attcked by a mutant shark...thus once again assuring you the front cover of US Weekly. Take a real break..go play jenga, watch some wheel of fortune...just chill out, otherwise I sense a lot more people will be breaking up with you.
All the best,