The Lohan signed a $2 million deal for this commercial, after trying, without success, to front campaigns for Chanel and Louis Vuitton.
Sorry but does anyone actually believe that she uses this stuff? and it seems a bit of an odd choice to have a chain-smoking nose candy lover as a spokesmodel for an acne treatment..
Surely she would be more fitting as the face of Absolut, Marlboro reds or an STD clinic?
EDIT: I take back everything I said about Lindsay Lohan since I just came across these pics of her in the new issue of GQ. It's pretty hard to justify scathing comments about someone when you have papercuts on your tongue from licking photographs of them.
For all I care Lindsay Lohan can become the new spokesmodel for drain cleaner, cat shampoo or cabbage patch dolls, just as long as she keeps doing photoshoots like this.
Photos courtesy of Gossiprocks! forum