Wow. I realy didn't think it was possible for me to hate Sienna Miller any more, I took the anger management classes, I've done the deep breathing exercises, and I've told myself that we must coexist in this world and that she is a valuable human being.
And then I see a photo of her and all I want to do is shout obscenities and pelt her with old fish heads. I have no idea what she is doing in these photos, except maybe seeing just how repulsive she can make herself. To be honest she hasn't really done anything in these pictures to warrant my hatred...
Except maybe looking like a crackwhore version of the girl on the Wendy's fast food wrappers, or a man in drag, or the human version of a weasel...I could go on...
Maybe it's time for me to head back to the clinic, but not before I post one more photo, I have no idea what she has to laugh about, someone probably called her BARFUGLY and she thought it meant "adorable"
I just vomited in my mouth.