Seriously, this beats the Bible! The Smoking Gun has posted a letter sent to Lindsay Lohan by James G. Robinson, the CEO of Morgan Creek Productions, the production company for her new movie "Georgia Rule"
The letter basically rips into Lindsay for being "discourteous, irresponsible and unprofessional" on the set of the movie, acting like a "spoiled child" and and states that the producers are "well aware that your ongoing all night heavy partying is the real reason for your so called "exhaustion". We refuse to accept bogus excuses for your behavior".
The letter goes on to threaten Lindsay with legal action if she does not show up on time every day, and that she will be forced to repay the "hundreds of thousands of dollars" of damage that her behaviour has caused! HOLY LOHAN!
So, basically Lindsay is a bitch who everyone hates and the backlash has finally begun! I thank god for bringing this jewel of a letter into my life...I am going to read it every night while kneeling at the end of my bed! is that wrong? maybe! Do I care? no!
One thing is for sure, 70 year old James G. Robinson is kicking ass and taking names, I hope I'm like him when I'm 70..except more belligerent with a penchant for throwing old soup cans at children from my wheelchair.
To read every delicious word of the letter click HERE