This week has been a busy week in the world of Lohan. First she reunited with old starving, smoking and snorting buddy Kate Moss..and debuted her red hair again! HOORAY! I have to say I think she looks the best she has in a long time. It also looks as if she has gained some weight again. Her appearance changes every day literally.
Then Lohan's wax figure was revealed at Madame Tussaud's.
She kind of looks like a mixture of a peregrine falcon and the wicked witch of the West. Maybe that's what they were going for? Plus you know that in a few weeks she will have either gained or lost 40 pounds, got some more work done and a new hair it's kind of pointless anyway.
Lindsay was then allegedly dropped from the new Louis Vuitton ad campaign as her appeal was too "American". The company decided to go with Naomi Campbell instead. Isn't Naomi's appeal a bit too "I'll beat your skank ass down with a phone until your ears bleed bitch!"?
I would say so
Then came the rumours that Lindsay got into a bitchfight with Jessica Simpson at Dime club after Jessica failed to thank Lindsay for some champagne she bought her. Allegedly Lindsay went over to Jessica's table and yelled in her face, calling Jessica "insecure". Saying that Jessica was happy to "talk shit" about her when Ashlee was around, but alone Jessica was "a coward".
Things escalated when Lindsay threatened to take the fight outside after Jessica stated that she didn't want to cause a scene. Onlookers said that Jessica broke down in tears after Lindsay stormed off!
I just love Lindsay even more now! They should broadcast that fight on pay-per-view! My money is on Lindsay all the way, she may be scrawny but she can get into a pub brawl with the best of them. The Lohan is Irish...Don't mess!