No, No, Lindsay Lohan didn't bring an unevenly pigmented donkey to the Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards..the freckled ass of which I speak was her RUMP..which she exposed to the entire audience when she accepted her audience mainly comprised of young and impressionable kids.
I just have 3 questions for Lindsay Lohan:
1) Why were you going commando when wearing a short dress?
2) Why were you going commando when wearing a short dress at an awards show for children?
3) Why were you going commando when wearing a short dress at an awards show for children when you knew you would be going up on stage?
These are all pertinent questions. I don't have the answers. I just hope that the site of Lindsay Lohan's alabastar buttocks brought some joy into the life of those kids.
Something is very wrong with the world when a bare ass isn't wholesome family entertainment.