Ok, so we've all probably seen the bizarre Britney giving birth to SPF statue by now. The statue is by Daniel Edwards and is called Monument to Pro-Life: The Birth of Sean Preston..but who really cares? The point is that Britney (or Daniel) clearly has a better impression of Ol' Brit than most people do.
Look at how skinny the rest of her body is while she is pregnant..and there are no Cheetos, Skittles or empty Frappuchino bottles anywhere to be seen! I am also a big fan of the pose. Has ANYONE ever given birth like that? and also..wasn't SPF a C-Section baby?
Anyway I decided not to post about the statue until I had a back view....and here it is....seriously brace yourself...
My eyes! Dear sweet lord MY EYES! She looks like a grazing cow about to birth a calf!
Also, just as a side note does anyone know why there is a frickin bear head on the floor in front of Britney? Isn't that a tad ironic on a PRO-LIFE statue? Think about that one kids...bears have feelings too...