The season of frenzied appraisal of genetic attributes has finally come to a close. What do I mean by this? Well the king and queen of 2005 have been crowned of course...the sexiest man and sexiest woman alive have been announced.
People magazine chose Matthew Mconnaahfljfuf (i can't spell his name)as their sexiest man while Esquire chose Jessica Biel...
as their sexiest woman. No offense to either Mr Mconnaahfljfuf or Ms Biel but I can't help wondering why they were chosen? Is this the year of bland blondes? I'm not sure, but I decided that neither of those lists count and I am going to create my own...
JESSICA ALBA...not Jessica Biel...Maybe there was a typo?
Even more shocking to me though were some of the finalists on People's sexiest men list..and who was left out...I would have expected to see Brad, Keanu etc etc but no, they were rejected in favour of Vince Vaughn...VINCE VAUGHN??? Well he must have something for Jennifer Aniston to like him....
Also absent was Orlando Bloom....I clearly don't understand women if they find this.....
More attractive than this...
If that is the case then maybe I should know...washing...and
begin sitting in my own filth and eating doughnuts...I'm not saying that Vince Vaughn sits in his own filth and eats doughnuts..but hey...the pictures speak for themselves.
Update: Fametracker has a hysterical article entitled "Notes from the Esquire Editorial Meeting At Which Jessica Biel Was Named "Sexiest Woman Alive"" it HERE