I can only assume that Nick and Jessica are the underlings of Satan and wish to inflict pain and suffering on every youngster in the world....that is the only way that I can explain this announcement on Thanksgiving weekend..
"After three years of marriage, and careful thought and consideration, we have decided to part ways," Simpson and Lachey said in an official statement. "This is the mutual decision of two people with an enormous amount of respect and admiration for each other. We hope that you respect our privacy during this difficult time."
Who announces their separation on Thanksgiving? Thats like giving a child their present on Christmas morning before telling them that Santa is dead and slapping them in the face...
I went through an entire spectrum of emotions when I heard the announcement on the radio on Thanksgiving morning...
and acceptance
Well, when I say spectrum of emotions i mean that I burped and then changed the radio station...
...come on we all saw it coming...