I'm kind of over Kristin and LC..thats why I have decided to become the official founder of "Team Casey"...what do I love about Casey so much? well I'm glad you asked:
Exhibit A: She reeealy likes herself..head over to her offical website for some pics like those below. These were taken from her Myspace Profile what is that song in the background?
Exhibit B: She spread a rumour that Alex H. had...um... hygeine problems...well she looks like she smells.
Exhibit 3: The dress she wore to her prom, barbie meets NYC hooker...
Exhibit C:She entered Miss Teen USA, see her photos here
Exhibit D: I'm estimating that at just 18 about half of her body is already man-made, so far I count nose, boobs, teeth, hair, eyelashes...see if you can spot more..its kind of like "I Spy" but with tragic California stereotypes...
Anyway I think I have proved my point GO TEAM CASEY!