In snapshots that recall George Costanza�s infamous �shrinkage� episode on �Seinfeld,� the love-rat actor�s meager manhood is on full display as he changes into a swimsuit outside his mother Maggie Law�s house in Vaudelnay, France.
He�s no Tommy Lee, that�s for sure,� sighed one unimpressed publicist who viewed copies of the paparazzi pix obtained by PAGE SIX.
So, I decided to compromise, I'll post the pics with some slight modifications..that way if Jude Law ever looks at my website the pictures will make him happy and not suicidal, therefore I have put some things that make me happy in the pictures...
Some nice flowers...
A happy unicorn...
A small car full of elves...hooray!
So, if that wasn't good enough you can check out the unedited pics HERE, definately NSFW ..sorry but I'm not about to turn my blog into some sort of British actor brothel..