Ok, so I finally got up the nerve to watch "Creep", also known as "the film where I realised I am a total baby". For those of you who don't know the film centres around a killer who stalks victims on the London underground system. It follows one woman (with the worlds most annoying accent..I'm all for diversity but most of the time it sounded like she was just making up words!) after she is accidentally locked in an Underground station after dark (thats what drinking miniture bottles of vodka on a station does!)
The film is absolutely terrifying and as a film geek I really enjoyed the camera angles and lighting, not to mention the loooooong periods of silence that are so much more scary than a dramatic score. As much as it is a good film it has pretty much ruined my life, I got scared by a shampoo bottle earlier as I somehow convinced myself that the killer had got into my apartment....to conclude I will treat you to some quotes that were uttered during the watching of the film..
"Oh my god, I'm having a nervous breakdown"
"Let's never leave the house again"
"I think I peed"
"If I was her I would have killed myself by now"
"Its poking her...make it stop"
"Is she German?"
"eeeew..he can't even put gloves on.."
After the film finished:
"Can we all go to the toilet together??"
...and we did....