Mary Kate Olsen was spotted in Paris this week doing...well..whatever Olsen twins do...dressed in the same old lady garb that has catapulted her into being a style icon or a fashion disaster depending on your perspective.
I decided to compile the 10 commandments that the twins adhere to rigidly, try and follow them all, although you would probably be shipped off to a homeless shelter for the elderly before you can finish.
Here they are:
1. Thou shalt wear ridiculously high heels in order to appear taller and skinnier than you already are.
2. Thou shalt wear as many types of dead animal carcas as possible, screw ethics, its fashion right?
3. Thou shalt dye your hair to the point that it is straw like and starting to fall out.
4. Thous shalt port as many pointlessly oversized accessories as possible: giant hat? check. Giant shades? check. Giant scarf? check. Giant sea turtle attatched to back? check.
5. Thou shalt frequently be mistaken for a homeless person/ drug addict / crackwhore that lives in an old tyre under a freeway.
6. Thous shalt hunch, skulk, and attempt to 'hide' from the paps.
7. Thou shalt use any woman over the age of 80 as your style icon, oh yeah, Angela Lansbury baby!
8. Thou shalt practice 'twincest' for the cameras
9. Thou shalt always carry an enormous cup of coffee and tote a cigarette, that is a full week's calories after all.
10. Thou shalt appear in magazines, on TV, pretty much everywhere, and earn millions, wait, billions...and for what?
Noone truly knows.