Ok, so I have sat idly by while Sienna Miller (a.k.a the human weasel) has infiltrated the celebsphere for absolutely no reason, I've listened while she complained about being a celebrity when no-one wants her to be one anyway and endured her while she runs sweatshops in Ethiopia to make her fur gilets and floppy hats...
...ok that was a lie, but lets face it she's annoying. But now she has taken things to far. Apparently now she has become friends with Keira Knightley (a.k.a god). The two hung out at Chateau Marmont in L.A. last week. Sienna allegedly comforted Keira who was upset after the press had swarmed her as she left the Ivy restaurant.
I don't want Weasely McWeasel trying to weasel up to Keira and contaminate her with her weasel germs. Keira watch out when you are hanging out with her, she is probably finding some weasely way to trip you up or accidentally have a chandelier drop on you... thats what weasels do.
What are you shocked at how many times I called Sienna a weasel? Well here I'll do it again..weasel, weasel, weasel.