Katie Holmes celebrated her baby shower at the Scientology Centre in Hollywood recently and afterwards decided to go for a peaceful walk all alone...
oh, and with the 5569255379 paparazzi outside.
There is something very wrong with this picture, either that baby has a very pointy head or Tom forgot to fluff the maxi sized pillow before stuffing it down Katie's top.
In other TomKat news, Katie is said to be preparing herself for her Scientology style birth..Scientology deems that women must give birth in complete silence..
You can tell that this religion was made up by a total idiot. I'd like to see L. Ron Hubbard stay silent while he tried to push a watermelon out of his colon. I genuinely feel quite sorry for Katie, I bet she didn't really know what she was getting herself into with all those Scientology freaks
Although it did look like she had a moment of realisation recently..
I love this picture..It's as if she is thinking "what the hell have I done???"
For more information on the truth behind Scientology visit Operation Clambake at www.xenu.net