Ok, so clearly Sienna Miller has been reading my blog.
For as long as she has been on the scene I have referred to her as "Sienna Icantdressmyself"..generally due to her apalling style which somehow people interpret as innovation. I could walk around with a collinder on my head, wearing a lime spandex unitard and using a cane made out of old cat teeth but that doesn't make me innovative..it makes me mentally unstable.
Anyway, finally Sienna has realised that I am right and has decided to forgo dressing herself entirely in this months Vanity Fair where she is photographed topless.
What is most unnerving about this picture is her striking resemblance to a British icon. The short bleached hair? the cigarette? the gaudy jewellery? She is Pat Butcher from Eastenders! I decided to complete the picture by covering her nudity with a bacon butty and a cup of tea...
..oh and a delicious biscuit assortment on her left thigh...you know....just for fun...
If I want to see a butch 55 year old East London laundrette's assistant naked then pretty much all I have to do is fall asleep and have the most horrific nightmare of my life..and thanks to Sienna Miller I think that is just about to happen.