Star Magazine has finally posed the eternal question that has been on my mind for about the last 10 seconds. "Can you eat 3000 calories a day and lose weight?" Apparently "Grey's Anatomy" star Ellen Pompeo claims to eat 3000 calories a day and still only weigh 100 pounds. Now normally I would make some witty joke about her being a total liar but I can actually sympathise. I eat like a farmyard animal and still look like a walking human candy apple..or Jimmy Neutron depending on your perspective.
Now Mariah Carey on the other hand is a liar. She claims to eat healthily but look at her in this advert for some computer. She looks like she is breaking the poor dude's legs. Having Mariah sit on you must be about as pleasurable as having someone throw bricks at your face.
Have I taken it too far with the Mariah fat jokes? Maybe..
But does she still look like a human bratwurst? Yes..