I'm going to run down from my best dressed of the night to my worst dressed.
Number One for me was Cate Blanchett. She's been rocking the metallic thing for all the awards shows this year and it suits her perfectly, she looks part mermaid, part robot, part superhottie. Plus she has talent, which is always a plus.
Helen Mirren, for a woman in the evening of her life Helen Mirren is pretty damn amazing. Amazing enough to have a song by Jack Black, Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly dedicated to her at the Oscars last night. I love her, she can do no wrong.
Jessica Beil, I know a lot of people didn't like what she wore but I think the colour made her stand out on the red carpet, which for someone whose claim to fame is S.W.A.T and some Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie is definately a good thing.
Gwenyth Paltrow, also, a lot of people didn't like this, but personally I think she looked pretty amazing, a lot less boring anyway.
Kate Winslet, I'm not sure about this. The colour, the style, its just all a bit....blah.
Reese Witherspoon, why did she get named best dressed of the evening by so many people? Its just a boring navy blue dress on a boring actress, sorry, I've just never got the Witherspoon appeal, and for me this dress sums her up. Also, did anyone else notice that they did some video airbrushing on her chin during the telecast? Classic.
Queen Latifah, pretty safe, but she looks good. Does anyone actually NOT like Queen Latifah, I have yet to find anyone. Prove me wrong.
Cameron Diaz, at first I liked this, but there is something dodgy about the bottom of the dress..if it had just been a bit longer she could have pulled it off.
Ok, let me just say this now, I have never liked anything Beyonce has ever worn and I have never liked Beyonce, she can look hot and all but there is something about her that just puts me off. Last night was classic when she tried to outsing Jennifer Hudson and looked like she was going to have a stroke on stage. Oh and the dress, well at least she didn't let Momma Knowles design this one, that's something at least.
Ok, Jennifer Hudson WTF? What were you thinking? I want to like you because of the whole underdog thing, and then you show up in some kind of space waistcoat make of aluminium foil. Just go home now.
Anne Hathaway, the bow is the most exciting thing about you, enough said.
Nicole Kidman, you look like some kind of fairytale gone wrong, little red riding hood meets the wicked witch of the west. Also the fact that your skin, hair and eyes are all pretty much the same colour is too creepy.
Kirsten Dunst, WHAT? What is this? I have only had the pleasure of an encounter with Kirsten once in my life and for once she looks on the outside how she is on the inside: Haneous.
Faye Dunaway, there are actually no words, where do I start? Actually there are words, your face looks like the grim reaper, stop with the surgery, and the dress makes you look like a diseased colon. I don't know how that even makes sense but it does.
Rose Mcgowan, note to you: This is the OSCARS, not half price cocktails at the Wynn Las Vegas.
Special mention must go to Rhianna, even though she wasn't at the ceremony she wore this to a pre-Oscar party.
I think she is amazing, a cross between Posh Spice and a Bratz doll, and somehow it comes out hot! Beyonce take note, this is how its done!
Finally, a huge THANK YOU to everyone who read my liveblog last night, I reached 10,000 unique page views which blows my mind a bit! 10,000 of you across the world were reading alongside me, so thank you, and I hope you all enjoyed it!