Nicole Richie was arrested at 4.45am this morning for driving under the influence of Vicodin and Marajuana!
TMZ reports "Her SUV was spotted by two motorists going the wrong way on the 134 Freeway in Burbank. The drivers called 911. When the CHP responded, Richie was stopped in the carpool lane and was alone in the vehicle. When cops approached the vehicle, Richie was on her cellphone.
Law enforcement officers tell TMZ Nicole Richie admitted she had taken Vicodin and smoked pot.
A preliminary alcohol screening device revealed that Nicole was not under the influence of alcohol."
Her booking details give her height as 5ft 1ins and a weight of 85lbs! My god! who knew such a little body could handle drugs? Surely thats like injecting a Siamese kitten with heroin and expecting it to be able to walk across a tightrope?
Not that I've ever tried.