Well, that's certainly how I picture it in my mind...
Lindsay and Keira are set to star in "The best time of our lives", a story centred upon the life of Welsh poet Dylan Thomas...but to be honest all that stuff is pretty irrelevant...
The film, written by Keira's mother Sharman Macdonald, has, according to Lohan, "somewhat of a lesbian undertone."
Wow...finally..Keira's mother must have got all my movie suggestion letters...I think it was probably the one where I said I would "Throw myself off London Bridge clutching a penguin dressed as Keira" if she didn't write a Lindsay/Keira lesbian movie that probably sealed the deal...
To be honest there is nothing more I can write in this post..once the words "Lindsay Lohan", "Keira Knightley" and "lesbian" have been used in the same sentence I pretty much have the IQ and writing ability of a radish.