I realise that my blog is slowly becoming the Lindsay Lohan show but what can i do? Interesting things keep happening! Her life is like a soap...perhaps Days of Our Lohan?
First her mother added fuel to the fire by responding to the letter sent to her by James G. Robinson by stating "Maybe [Robinson] has personal issues with whomever, and it came out with my child. I don't know him. I can't judge him. I don't think it was a smart thing to do to a young girl." and even better "She will win an Academy Award for this picture. ... Justice!" Um, I think not...
Now it has come to light that Lindsay has been dropped by her record label Island Records after she failed to promote her music in the UK.
A source told the Sun newspaper "The single was a huge flop over here because Lindsay couldn't be bothered to promote it," "In the end they didn't even bother releasing the album in Britain. She didn't bother to come over to the UK to do interviews or make TV appearances to help sell the album. Island have now decided not to do another one with her."
Wow! This has been a rough week for the Lohan but unfortunately that is what happens when you begin to think that you are so famous that you don't need to work hard any more!
There is really no justifiable reason for me to use a picture of Lohan in a bikini for this post....except that her record company is Island records...and lots of islands are hot...so people wear bikinis...yeah...thats why...