Everything that I believed in came crashing down around me this weekend when...yes I'm going to say it....it finally happened....the Simpson sisters SWITCHED HOTNESS!
I never thought this day would come...who would have forseen that Ashlee would get a nose job and Jessica would wear a hideous red wig and ill fitting bra? Certainly not I, but that is exactly what happened...first enjoy the train wreck that is the weave sporting Jessica...
and now Ashlee post surgery...
A nose to nose comparison
I would just like to personally thank Ashlee's doctor, Dr. Raj Kanodia of Beverly Hills, I never thought that I would be attracted to Ashlee Simpson, it's kind of like being attracted to cold meatloaf, but I have been proven wrong...about Ashlee, not the meatloaf..but who knows..Dr. Kanodia is a miracle worker...maybe he can sort that out for me too?
This just became awkward didn't it?
If we lived in the world of the Jetsons, which i often wished we did, Jessica would totally be Jane Jetson...
But Ashlee would be Judy Jetson...
and as a wise man once said, "In a hotness contest between Judy Jetson and Jane Jetson, Judy is the hot tamale"...
That wise man was me.