My next encounter was in Barneys near Rodeo Drive, in the mens section i was bending down looking at some jeans..when I stood up I just very lightly bumped into a lady...then i saw she was pregnant...then I saw it was KATIE EFFING HOLMES!!! I have never been so scared in my life...she had a bodyguard with her who looked just about ready to kill me. I said sorry and shuffled past but she didn;t say anything back. I actually think that she is genuinely pregnant fake looked all real to the puzzle continues..
Whoever said that pregnant women have a glow IS LYING!! Katie looked exhausted..huge bags under her eyes and she didn't smile once...she looked like she needed a good hug...I think she has truly been lost to Scientology...if only she had discovered Trumpetcat sooner?
Anyway since i am such a CHICKEN..I didnt get I made some artists renditions for you...Next time WHOEVER I meet I promise I will get photos...god I would be the worst paparazzi in the world...