Who is Jodie Marsh? That is quite the loaded question! From what I can fathom she is an Essex girl famous for having enormous breasts, hating Jordan and having a terrible nose job.
However that Isn't to say that we in the Uk hate Jodie, she has become quite the British institution. Jodie is possibly our equivalent of Paris Hilton without the money, looks or style... and for that we love to hate her.
I will be doing features on both Essex and Chavs in the near future, for Americans who have no idea what these are you are in for a treat! Think white trash plus white leather and you are half way there! Let me take you through a few of my favourite Jodie poses:
Jodie and her puppies (no pun intended)
Jodie classes it up in a top hat
Jodie births a football
And my outright favourite..Jodie is harnessed into an army uniform by a small child..thats Essex for you...